Friday, July 14, 2006

Monday, July 17th, 9:30 AM

Please put this date and time on your calendars as I will be needing your prayers...I HAVE AN INTERVIEW!!! Holy Cow life comes at you fast. I mailed the last of my projects this morning, and then on my way home from Hartford the cell phone rang. It was Alexandria schools calling for me to interview. So much for my stress free relaxing weekend. Honestly, I am beside myself with joy and nerves. My first thought was, "I don't have anything to wear!" So Sue and I are off to Indy tonight to celebrate and do some shopping. Will I charge the power suit? Yes, but I won't feel a moments regret. This is a NEED, not a WANT! HA! :)


Anonymous said...

just remember a few things:
Don't talk about uncle george's hernia they could care less
Don't chew gum
Don't fidget in the chair
Don't talk about your dislikes of teaching
Don't pick your nose

But remember to
Extend your hand and firmly and gently shake it don't pump it
keep good eye contact
listen carefully to the questions
pause and then answer.
If they ask what you would do if there is a big rumble in the parking lot, don't mention blindfold and firing lines
Just be you and you will get the job. Told you God's timing can't beat it.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I second everything that Carolyn said. She is the expert!!:) Good luck and we will be praying!!

Jaena said...

I must be living other people's lives vicariously through this blog thing because now my stomach has butterflies, and I am nervous too! You will do great, Kelley (I will still pray, though). :-)

Anonymous said...

Just be yourself because yourself is good and you are prepared to do this next step in your life!! I'll be praying. If this is where God wants you then this is where you will be, just remember that.

Kim said...

You will be awesome. One more thing that my mom left off. If they ask if you are ever late...Don't answer "What do you classify as late?" or "Only on Mondays." I have been told that they don't like those answers....maybe that is why I am still unemployed. If you are late...I find the best response is a train was stuck on the tracks. This only works if there are train tracks between your house and your job. (Someone should have told me this).

Deb said...

Wow, Kelley, I leave for a few days and three new posts! I've spent so much time on your blog tonight that now I don't have time to post on my own! I'll be thinking about you on Monday. I'd give you some advice, but it sounds like your family already took care of that.

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

WOW!!!!! I love good news! I'm so excited for you I could just scream! I heard Jay mention something about the job offer during prayer tonight (I was working in the kids room), and wanted details. Glad to find them on the blog! Call tomorrow and tell me how it went. We'll all be praying!

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

WOW!!!!! I love good news! I'm so excited for you I could just scream! I heard Jay mention something about the job offer during prayer tonight (I was working in the kids room), and wanted details. Glad to find them on the blog! Call tomorrow and tell me how it went. We'll all be praying!

Big John said...

Wow don't read for a couple of days and look what happens. You ran off and got an interview. Congrats! As I see from the next one it went really well and I think they would be fools to not hire you on the spot.