Monday, April 24, 2006


Holly, Kismet, Andrea, and Kelley party the night away!
The bridesmaids
Sisters pre ceremony
The kiss
The whole wedding party
Jon fishes for the garter
Jason and Jon watch Andrea enter the church
The bride and groom
Sue, Andrea, and Kelley before the ceremony


Anonymous said...

It was a beautiful wedding and I thought they made a wonderful couple. I hope their honeymoon is going well and the weather stays nice for them. The dresses were very nice and complimentary to all of you. Were you able to figure out about how many attended? With new church it is hard to tell.

You and your mom did really well not crying but later I expect when no one was watching there were a few tears shed mostly out of exhaustion. HA

Take care I fly to Florida in the morning and will be seeing John later. I will hug him for you. I have only checked your site 5 times waiting for your next chapter and pictures. Holly your pictures of the kids were like those found in magazines.

Take care everyone and love you all.


Anonymous said...

Who is the gorgeous brunette dressed in black to the left of the bride in that first picture? Is she a friend of yours? Is she single?