Thursday, April 26, 2007


It's amazing how quickly God can change one's perspective. I was sure that I was supposed to have that job, but now with 24 hours to think on it, I feel like it's probably for the best. I am dreading the "stress" of a new hunt, but I'm already working on it. The human spirit really is resilient. Thanks for all the encouraging words and e-mails. They really do help. I'm very blesssed to have such good people in my life to support me.



Anonymous said...

You are quite welcome!! :) I know the perfect job is just around the corner!! Even though the interviewing process is very stressful, the more you do, the better your answers will be. You will know just what they want to hear and have your answers all ready and waiting. I am looking forward to the perfect school that God has in mind for you!

Anonymous said...

We love you Kelley and know that God has that perfect job out there just waiting for you. I hope that the hints about checking for boogers and laughing at all of their jokes helped as much as I hoped and remember that you can always use me as a reference I can tell them about the Miami Sound Maching concert or the trip to Florida if that doesn't get you the job nothing will.

Anonymous said...

A good nights sleep and a brand new day can make things look brighter and manageable. I will keep looking for the blog that is filled with "i got the job"

Take care and see you soon


Anonymous said...

How is your car?