Friday, April 13, 2007


Reader Warning Label: If you drive a Honda or any other foreign job, you may want to quit reading. This will be a rant and I will not hold back. I have not used my blog for this purpose in quite some time, but I have huge frustrations right now that need to be vented and this is my medium.

Today on my way home from school, my master cylinder clutch went out. I drove almost 2 miles in 2nd gear and prayed for no cars or cops at all intersections until I reached my garage. Thankfully, the Lord heard my cry and even gave me a clear intersection at 50th st and State Rd. 9. That's a busy intersection and I feared I was going to be stranded there. Now the frustrating thing about this, is that I had that part replaced in Dec. I know the car is old, but it only has 84,000 miles and was supposed to be the car that switched my loyalties forever. Well, let me tell you, it has accomplished quite the opposite! I will NEVER buy another foreign car again. My Dad worked for GM for 30 years and we were faithful and loyal to the company that put bread on our table. I've always boasted to being a GM girl. Now I realize it's not just because they supported our family, it's because they are the best cars!!!! I long for the days of my little chevette or my cavalier. Then there was my Blazer; man I loved that vehicle! But the biggest winners were my 2 Rendezvous!!! I loved that car so much, I got a 2nd one. You know what all these cars have in common??? They never had to be put in the shop. Nope, not once in all my years of driving! I called my Dad to cry a little when I got home and he was reading a magazine that was actually talking about how all the media wants to hype is how much better these foreign cars are than GM and Ford and how they will take over GM's place in the domestic market. Guess what? They aren't even close! Guess what else? Toyota and Honda have more recalls than GM and Ford put together! Why aren't we sharing that news in the media? They also aren't winning the big automobile awards! Guess who is? You guessed it; GM and Ford! I will be stuck with this little gem for a while unfortunately, but I can assure you that when I can get out from under it, I will be returning to my American friend, GM! I can also assure you that I would not have very nice things to say to Mr. Dave Ramsey, who set me on this path. I realize in theory that his plan of never driving new cars and paying cash is a good one, but this experience has soured me a little. Being a single girl, new is where it's at. I don't have time for the stress and headache of how I'm going to get to school on Monday since I don't have a vehicle. Luckily, I share rides with someone so even though it's my month to drive, I'm sure she will bail me out and pick me up on Monday, but what if I didn't carpool? I work 30 min. away! I was so mad I almost kicked the car when I got out of it, but I figured a big dent in the side would not help me when I try to sell it. It's got enough problems and it's appearance is one of it's only attributes!.....Okay, hold the phone...actually the phone is ringing....aauuugghgghghg I have a 2nd interview for the principal's position!!!!!! I'm dying here! I requested prayer for my interview on Thursday... Update....It went very well. There were 30 applicants. They interviewed 15...They are calling back 6 to do a more indepth interview next week. I just got the call that I am one of the 6!!! Oh my Gosh!! I just told my mom on the phone to pray hard that I find a job because that is the only way I can afford to get out of this Honda situation...I was not expecting to find out till Monday or Tuesday so this call was totally unexpected! The next interview will be in a big conference room with the Superintendent, the director of curriculum, the director of special education, several teachers from the building and the secretary! Can you say HOLY COW? Now you must all hit your knees! I would LOVE to get this job. I really thought I didn't have a chance so I was not getting my hopes up. Now they are up! Okay, that totally changes my whole attitude. The LORD does hear our cry and knows exactly what we need. Well, my mind is whirling! I have a lot of preparing to do. I will ask again that everyone keep me in your prayers. My interview is Wed. at 3:30 and will last approximately 2 hours. YIKES! Thanks for listening to my rant and please know that I didn't mean to offend any of you Honda lovers...I must have gotten the only rotten one out there! Love you all!



Anonymous said...

You're hilarious! Boy how your tone changed once you got that call. I think you have a great chance at getting the position, and I think you would do a great job! MC

Anonymous said...

I hope your car gets better. I will be praying for you Aunt Kelley.
I Love You

Anonymous said...

You are a hoot!! We laughed and laughed at your new blog!! You go girl!!We love you and know that you will do fine at your next interview! But we will be praying for you to get the job of your dreams!!
Love you,

Jaena said...

I'm so excited for you, Kelley! you would make a great principal. (Now my opes are up too.)

And, if you just had that part replaced, I would be marching right back and having them redo it. OR you could have Jim do it...and he might not even charge a token. :)

Anonymous said...

The big question when they ask do you have reliable transportation to and from work is, YES> do not elaborate. HA Remember when they ask how do you handle difficult situations, not to answer kicking the _______ ____ ___ out of the __ __ !!!!! Ha

That second interview is a vote of confidence that you have the qualities they are looking for. Good Job..

I have driven every piece of junk and broken down vehicle ever made. I feel your pain. This to will pass.

Good Luck on the upcoming interview.
Love your sudo aunt Carolyn

Anonymous said...

May God grant you a job That will be for your good and His glory ! I loved your blog. You poured your heart out and GOD heard your cry. Isn't God good. Did you read Carolyn"s I will pray for you and Carolyn, that everything will be taken care of and that you will be OK. I love you both Keep us posted.Ok? Aunt Eva

Anon said...

Okay, so I'm still going to prayer for you even after you trash talked about Honda lovers.