Saturday afternoon, we all went to the museum. It was a lot of fun. We saw a steller performance in the planetarium.
Me with my little brother.
Love that grin.
Holly and the kids on the back of the trolley.
Well, today I finished my training walks today. I am in Michigan this weekend so I was unable to walk yesterday. So, this morning, Sue and I headed to a local mall to walk 6 miles. I was excited that today was ONLY 6 miles. Man was it hard! I have never been a "mall walker" and now I know why. Talk about boredom. I didn't think we were ever going to be finished! And, it was stinking hot! I was burning up. But, I am done and next Sat. is the race. I am so excited and nervous all at the same time. I can't believe it's here already. I can't believe I have walked every Sat. (except today) since the first weekend in January. By far the most disciplined I have every been about anything. It's been a good experience and it's shown me that when I want to have discipline and will power, I can have. If I can just apply that same determination to my eating, I'd probably be amazed at the results. Well, next time I post, the race will be over and I'll hopefully be posting about my amazing finish. Until next weekend...
I'm jealous! It looks like you had a great time. Love the pics, especially the one of you and Jay. That's a framer! Can't wait to see you walk across the finish line! Love ya,
I hope you have a great day tomorrow. I will be praying for you.
Love, Marla
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