Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What's the Answer?

Well, here I am writing about weight loss again, but seriously people, I am going crazy! I dropped 4lbs, got all excited and have now spent the last week and a half fluctuating up and down. I am constantly reading, trying to figure out this weight loss monster.

So, what's the right amount of protein, carbs, water, calories, fat, etc? You can find 100 theories and proof  to scientifically back up every cotton-pickin' one of them! It can make a person just want to eat whatever and stay fat! But then my smarter side kicks in and reminds me that no matter what the scale says, I am feeling better right now than I have in years. I should not give up! My life right now mimics that cartoon where there is a voice on each shoulder...one good, one evil. I am starting to think that I'm hearing voices.

If any of you out there have any tried and true methods that could help me...I'd love to hear them. I want a lifestyle, not a fad diet though. I've obviously done some serious damage to my metabolism so I don't want to continue down that path.

I will do this...I will do this...I will do this!!!


Anonymous said...

As soon as you find out, please let me know!! I am ready to try anything!! One of life's many battles we have to go through!! Hang in there!! We will conquer this!!! Love you!! Mom

Susan said...

You need to read my blog! Totally struggling with this right now. I am with you though, that if you feel better that is all that matters..right! Still, somedays you just want to throw in the towel and each Dove chocolate hearts to your hearts content!

Anonymous said...

Will there is no answer, don't mean to rain on your parade, it is simply a formula that combines, sacrifice, determination, prayer and compromise but most of all a commitment to make the changes needed even if it takes twice as long to reach your goal...

I decided when I had to reach down and move my stomach out of the way and stop every few feet to catch my breath and turning in bed was an event it was time to take charge. I have no problem taking charge of anything else so why was I so bad at this...

I have accepted success as that I am maintaining my losses for maybe one to two weeks and I can finally announce new numbers once they keep reappearing on my scale...

I count success each time I choose something healthy over something I really want... I plan and study all the menue's where I may eat so that I can order without having to say "oh I'll just have a salad, you know I am on a diet" makes everyone with you feel like they need to order lite.... It is just plain, rib kicking, hard but with each ounce I lose I am feeling better and maybe living longer...

So go for it and embrace it and victory and the finish line is only miles ahead......... just think what it will feel like when you run through the tape and raise your arms in the air.....

Love you much