Monday, January 30, 2006

Blog Stalker

In the last month the ladies in my Sunday School class have had 2 ladies nights. Blogging has come up as a topic of conversation at both. I have laughed till I cried both times because we have a blog stalker among us. This person shall remain nameless, but she reads numerous blogs daily that she has no personal connection to. These people are linked through her sister-in-law and she has found their daily lives entertaining (I guess...not sure why else you would blog stalk) She has confessed that she gets frustrated when we bloggers don't post very often. She gets freaked out when she is blocked from a site. Initially, she paniced thinking that the blog owner had blocked her access since they didn't know her. Relieved she found she could get on the next day. It's like an addiction. Wanting to know what happened next in people's lives that we really don't know. I have found since posting that I too am getting addicted. I have gone deep into blogger space and stumbled upon a past student teacher of mine. It was exciting to read about her life and career. A little weird though to think that she doesn't know that I read all about her life. I couldn't even begin to explain to her the links that led me to her so I didn't say a word. Just read and left. It's a little freaky. Well, anyway, I am enjoying my blogging and hope some of you are enjoying reading it. I have fixed my settings so now anyone can comment not just members of blogspot. So, if you're on my site, please say Hi! I've attached a picture of my new house as a practice. I'm still learning all this high tech stuff.


Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

Confessions....I too am a blog-stalker. Do you think this word will be added to Webster's in another 10 years?

Anonymous said...

I think you all need more things to do because you obviously don't have enough since you blog, blog, blog. Maybe you need another job such as coaching. What is this world coming too??

Anonymous said...

Glad to see your new post.
This is my first actual comment on someone's blog - I've entered into a new stage. Of course it's hard to comment on a blog where you don't know the person, so I'm limited.

Anonymous said...

OK...I have to admit that this has been fun to read but obsessed? Not yet but close.

Kelley said...

Welcome. Some say when the stalker takes it to the next level, things are beginning to escalate. That's when it gets dangerous. Before we know it, you'll have your own site. Thanks for taking this brave step. ;)

Anonymous said...

Alright...I'm not addicted, but I do enjoy reading your posts each's my little way of staying in the loop with you since life is so hectic and crazy. Thanks for the window into your world...I miss you!

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said... slay me! Truly, I'm laughing REALLY hard...!

Susan said...

Oh my, I have to laugh because I happened upon your site from three people ago. Your brother was a assistant pastor at my church in Kalamazoo before I even went there! It is so totally addicting! I have to say I like to check out Christian blogs for inspiration, not for stalking only! Too funny!


Jaena said...

Now I am wondering who among us is the blog stalker...Also wondering how you set your blog so anyone can comment. I have been telling people they have to sign up for a blog.