Sunday, January 31, 2010

4 miles -Check

Saturday's walk went really well. I was nervous because Friday's walk was extremely difficult. I only walked 2 miles. At the end instead of being happy I was completely freaked out that tomorrow that would only be half way!! Just couldn't imagine getting through the 4 by myself. But, I did! I blared my music and played mind games but got through it. I was even faster than an 18 min mile which is way ahead of where I was last year at this point.

On my way home I called my sister to gloat about my success. We ended up having a half hour conversation which was great except I was sitting down that whole time. When I stood up to hit the shower, I nearly fell down. The muscle in mt right calf was in a complete ball. Lesson learned- stretch more and keep moving after the walk! :)