Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tag...You're it!

Okay, so I've been tagged. I think I was technically tagged by Deb when she did her post and tagged everyone reading it, but I ignored it. But, Anon officially tagged me in my comment section, so here it goes. 8 interesting facts...I just want everyone to know that I put A LOT of effort in to coming up with these. It took me an hour and a thought provoking re-run of Dawson's Creek to come up with these.

#1 - I could eat mashed potatoes everyday. I know this explains alot for some of you. Why can't I lose weight? hmmm... let me think. It's really quite ridiculous how much I love them. Just to clarify, I DON'T eat them everyday, but I could.

#2 - My perfect day is laying by a pool reading a romance novel. Not too much to say about that one. I got to do that in Florida a couple of different days and it was heavely.

#3 - I'm addicted to Little House on the Prarie. I probably watch 3-4 episodes a day in the summer. I love this show. I find though that it feeds my melancholy. When I'm depressed, this is not a good thing. Nearly every episode makes me cry. I've been a little down this week and every time Sue calls to see what I'm doing, I'm watching Little House and sniffling. So, I'm not going to watch it today. I'm feeling pretty good and don't want to mess it up.

#4 - I was in Florida for Hurricane Charlie. A quick little trip to Florida the weekend before school starts turned into quite the adventure. Sue and I watched the hurricane go through from our hotel window. It was very exciting. There was a ton of damage but we were lucky. Our rental car was missed by the falling trees. We saw others that weren't so lucky. The airport was damaged, but we were able to fly out which was a good thing since school started the next morning.

#5 - I'm terrified of needles. I know most people don't like them, but I avoid doctors at all costs. It's really not healthy. I should go, but my fear of needles overrules all common sense.

#6 - When I was in H.S., my friend's sister tried to drown me at the city pool. Sadly, this is true. The worst part is that she was my friend too. She actually used to be my babysitter. They were an interesting family. I'm pretty sure she was high when she tried to kill me. I thought she was joking around at first, but when I was running out of air and she wouldn't let me up, I began to realize it wasn't a joke. Her sisters had to pull her off me. So, I guess you all are lucky to know me.

#7 - In my alternate life, I am an FBI agent. Clarise Starling from Silence of the Lambs is my hero. I love to read and watch these serial killer mysteries. When I do, I imagine myself being brave and strong and taking down the bad guys.

#8 - I skipped school 18 times my senior year. Close your mouths. I know you're in shock but it's true. I was very good though. I kept track and made sure I didn't miss more than 7 times in any class per semester. That was the limit to pass. I was usually in school, just hiding out in the auditorium with my friend Mindy. One time we had to jump behind the curtains and hide because Mr. Kline came into the auditorium and I was supposed to be in his class right then. It was pretty intense. I felt a little like Ferris Buehler.

Well, there you have my 8 interesting facts. I hope I have provided and new and interesting view of me. Cousins John, Kim and Carolyn...consider yourself tagged!

TaTa for now!


Susan said...

I am seriously laughing so hard here that I may pee! I love LITTLE HOUSE so much too! I love reading the books when I am depressed! My favorite is "The Long Winter". I love the shows that are about when Almanzo and Laura fall in love too! I also chuckled at the near drowning story,not b/c I want you to die, b/c the way you wrote about it is hysterical!
Sue Simpson

Deb said...

Very interesting. I really hope your cousin John decides to do this because he cracks me up!

Anon said...

Hey, pretty good for me. I knew all but the serial killer instinct. Holy cow! I never knew you had it in you. :)

Kim said...

Well...I feel honored to have been tagged and I will have to come up with something...But you had some really great one's. I remember the drowning story from long ago and you are right...quite an interesting family. I read in the paper that 2 of the sisters got arrested this past weekend for disorderly conduct so funny that you would mention them.

Check my blog tomorrow and I should have it done by then.

Bekah said...

I know you don't know me - but I hop over to your blog every now and then from Deb's list. I was in school with your sister and we worked next door to each other when she was a student worker in the Business Office and I was a student worker in Financial Aid.

Anyway, I had to respond to your Little House part because I l-o-v-e Little House too! I don't remember whether or not I ever blogged about this (probably if I blogged LESS, i'd remember MORE of what I said) but I used to have all the titles of the shows memorized and I could tell you the whole show synopsis after about 10 seconds of seeing the start of the show.

I don't get to see it nearly as often anymore, but it's still one of my main faves!

Anon said...

Hello BJ Buddy!

I'm just making sure you haven't keeled over or anything since you never talk to me anymore.


Anon said...


I just have to say that I love the way you bolded your facts. It gives organizing freaks like me a sense of comfort.


Kelley said...

Anon- Glad I could make you more comfortable. I too am an organizing freak. Your BJ buddy is on vacation so don't hold your breath for a response. I'll be joining her Sat. so I'll tell her to fire up the laptop and read. :)

Anonymous said...

Surprise! Here I am in Charleston, SC in a Holiday Inn reading all these comments. Kelley you cracked daddy and I up reading your post, We are having a great time and can't wait to see you all in two days!!
Anon, you must check out CMT on cable. Bon Jovi has a one hour crossover special that they are replaying constantly. He is such a hottie !! :) hee hee.
Love ya,
Mom and Marsha

Anon said...

Is it called "crossover"? I looked on the program guide, but couldn't find it.

Kel, you've got to call the number on my blog.

Anonymous said...

My daughter loves mashed potatoes too. She had them every day after school for 2 weeks (until the potato flake box was empty). Real are better though.

Anonymous said...

Ok I did the big 8 so it was harder than I thought but fun. I have enjoyed those who were tagged.

You crack me up with your list. Love ya a lot.


Anonymous said...

I'm laughing pretty hard! I had heard rumor about the mashed potato fact.. :) BUT I did not know you were nearly drowned or that you want to be an FBI agent :) Hope you are having a great
with the fam. Having a great time in SD. See you soon!