Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Shoes and rug burn...

Well, Sat. I walked my five miles with no problems. Every week, I feel at the end of my endurance, and I can't imagine how I'll go a mile further the next week...but so far I've just kept going. This week there was very little pain. I had to walk indoors, so it was a little harder than the outside walk of last week, but not too bad. I was able to stay under the 18 min. mile which is the required pace for the race. My goal was to be under 90 min. and I finished in 88 min. 45 sec. I wasn't much under, but still under. My ultimate goal is to get down to a 16 min. mile so I can afford a bathroom break during the race. :)

2 complications:

First, my very expensive shoes that I bought specifically for the training and race, were falling apart. So, Sue and I made a trip to Indy Sat. afternoon to see what the Good Feet Store would do for me. I was very pleased when they gave me a brand new pair of shoes with no hassels.

Second, I have rug burn (I guess it's actually underwear burn) all the way around my waist. 5 miles officially put me over the distance where clothing rubbing against my skin left a mark. Ouch! I'll have to figure out a plan for next Sat's 6 mile walk!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You never cease to amaze me!! I am so proud that there aren't words to describe how I feel!! You are doing so great and I want you to know that you are my hero!!
We are praying for you each step you take!! We love you!
Mom & Dad